Our Goals - and how to help

1. Demand a fair Collective Bargaining Resolution.

How you can help:

  • Educate yourself: sign up for our newsletter; check this site regularly; read the Collective Bargaining section for details about necessary changes.

  • Join ATU and attend meetings to discuss other strategies.

  • Organize/ talk to others at your work site about why we can’t get stuck negotiating under this Resolution.

2. Advocacy: Educate staff about how collective bargaining works, and educate the broader Arlington community about the issues impacting our students, our work and our schools.

How you can help: 

  • Organize/ talk to others at your work site about the issues that are impacting their work and their students. Let us know if you’d like to contribute to our website and newsletter.

  • Help us draft position papers on the issues.

3. Stand ready as an alternative collective bargaining agent, should AEA and APS fail employees (again).